Bill Detail
What Can I Do? |
You can view details about your bills, including the payment status, for the past 18 months. If you receive an electronic version of the bill, you can view the complete bill for up to six months.
If the payment has already been processed and you have a problem with it, contact the biller or send us a payment inquiry.
Bill and Payment Statuses
The following statuses may appear on this page.
Status |
Description |
Pending |
The payment has not been processed yet.
Unapproved |
The payment requires approval before it can be processed.
Paid |
The payment has been processed.
Normally, the biller receives the payment on the pay date and credits the account. Sometimes, however, the biller may take a few days to credit the account.
Canceled |
You canceled the payment for this bill. |
Unpaid |
The electronic bill has not been paid using Business Bill Pay. |
Filed |
You filed the electronic bill. |
Notes and Memos
If you added a note, a memo, or both when you paid the bill, the information appears on this page.
A note contains descriptive information that you want to keep on file with the payment. The maximum length of a note is 256 characters. Business Bill Pay does not send the note to the biller with the payment.
A memo contains information that is printed on the memo line of a check that Business Bill Pay sends to the biller. The maximum length of a memo is 34 characters. You can only add a memo to payments that Business Bill Pay sends by check.
Viewing the Bill Detail
The Bill Detail page shows details about the bills, including the payment status associated with the bills, information about related invoices (if invoices exist for the bills), and audit information (such as who approved a payment and when).
To go to the Bill Detail page:
- Click Bill History on any page.
The View Payments and Bills page opens.
- Find the bill you want to review.
You may need to change the date range and enter specific search criteria to find the bill you want.
- Click View Detail.
The Bill Detail page opens.
To view bill detail:
- View the bill details.
- Click Print to print a copy of the bill details.
- Click View Bill (if available) to view an electronic version of the bill.
- Click Finished when you are through viewing the bill details.
The View Payments and Bills page opens.

Sending a Payment Inquiry
If you're experiencing a problem with a processed payment, contact the biller. If you don't resolve the problem directly with the biller, you can send us a payment inquiry. Our customer service will contact the biller on your behalf in an attempt to resolve the problem.
Note: While you can review bill history and detail on payments for the past 18 months, you can only submit an inquiry on a payment processed within the past six months.
To send us a payment inquiry:
- Click the payment inquiry link.
The Payment Inquiry page opens.
- Select a reason for your inquiry.
- Select the type of biller that you made the payment to.
- Answer the questions about late fees and finance charges.
- If you contacted the biller about the problem, type the name of the person you contacted, the phone number, and the contact date in the appropriate boxes.
- In Additional Comments, type a description of your question or problem.
The more information you provide, the better we can answer your question.
- Click Send Inquiry.
The Payment Inquiry Sent page opens.
- Click Print to print the message that you sent to customer service.
- Click Finished.
The View Payments and Bills page opens.
Check the Business Bill Pay inbox in three to four business days for a reply.

Filing an Electronic Bill
You can file any electronic bill with a status of Unpaid or with a payment status of Canceled.
You can specify that the bill either has been paid outside of Business Bill Pay (for example, by writing a check) or has not been paid (for example, the bill may have a zero or credit balance).
After you file the bill, you can make a payment to the biller using Business Bill Pay, but the payment won't be associated with the filed bill.
To file a bill:
- Click File Bill.
The File a Bill page opens.
- In Payment Method, select the payment method for the bill.
Tip: If you don't find the method you used to pay the bill in this list, select Other and provide a brief description of the payment method in the Bill Note box.
- In Bill Note, type an optional note about the bill and its resolution. You can type a maximum of 80 characters.
- Click File Bill.
The bill is filed, and the Bill Detail page opens.

Updating a Filed Bill's Details
If you've previously filed an electronic bill, you can change the information that you've filed with the bill.
To update a filed bill's details:
- Click Update Filed Details.
The Update Filed Details page opens.
- Enter the changes you want to make.
- Click Save Changes.
The filed bill's details are updated, and the Bill Detail page opens.

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