View Payments and Bills
What Can I Do? |
You can view all payments and bills for the past 18 months on this page, including electronic bills and the bills that you pay automatically.
If a payment hasn't started processing, you can change or cancel it.
You can view the payment information by predefined date ranges. You can also enter your own range of dates and search for payments and bills by:
- Biller name.
- Category.
- Payment status.
- Account number.
- User who initiated the payment.
Bill and Payment Statuses
Bill History provides the status of the bill or payment.
Status |
Description |
Pending |
The payment has not been processed yet.
Unapproved |
The payment requires approval before it can be processed.
Paid |
The payment has been processed.
Normally, the biller receives the payment on the pay date and credits the account. Sometimes, however, the biller may take a few days to credit the account.
Canceled |
You canceled the payment for this bill. |
Unpaid |
The electronic bill has not been paid using Business Bill Pay. |
Filed |
You filed the electronic bill. |
Searching for a Bill
You can view the bill payment history for the past 18 months (540 days).
Note: You may not have 18 months of bill payment history available in Business Bill Pay yet. The ability to store 18 months of bill history is a recent feature of Business Bill Pay, so it may take about a year to accumulate 18 months of bill history.
To go to Bill History:
- Click Bill History on any page.
The View Payments and Bills page opens.
To search for a bill:
- In Current View, select an option for viewing the payments and bills.
- To view the information for a customized date range, select Specific date range, enter the dates in the From and To boxes, and click Go.
Tip: Click the calendar icons to help determine the dates you can select for your search criteria.
- To display more specific information for the payments and bills, select a search option in the Show list, select the search criteria you want in the For list, and click Go.
The View Payments and Bills page shows the payments and bills that meet your search criteria.
- Click the column headers as necessary to re-sort the information.
- Click Print to print the information that appears on the page.
To search for unapproved payments:
- Click Unapproved Payments.
The Unapproved Payments page appears.
- In Current View, select an option for viewing the payments and bills.
- To view the information for a customized date range, select Specific date range, enter the dates in the From and To boxes, and click Go.
Tip: Click the calendar icons to help determine the dates you can select for your search criteria.
- To display more specific information for the payments and bills, select a search option in the Show list, select the search criteria you want in the For list, and click Go.
The Unapproved Payments page shows the payments and bills that meet your search criteria.

Viewing the Bill Detail
You can view details about any bill in the Bill History list, including invoice and audit information if they apply. You can also perform the following tasks:
- If the payment has already been processed and you have a problem with it, contact the biller. If your problem isn't resolved, you can send us a payment inquiry.
- If you have an electronic bill that you don't plan to pay using Business Bill Pay, you can file the bill.
To view the bill detail:
- Click View Detail next to the bill you want to view.
The Bill Detail page opens.
- View the bill details.
- Click Print to print a copy of the bill details.
- Click View Bill (if available) to view an electronic version of the bill.
- Click Finished when you are through viewing the bill details.
The View Payments and Bills page opens.

Changing a Payment
You can change payments (approved or unapproved) paid from a confirmed account that have not started processing. If the payment was made from an unconfirmed account, you can either cancel it or confirm the account from which it was made.
Authority Levels
Your ability to change a payment is determined by your authority level, the payment accounts that you have access to, and the payment's approval status. If you can change a payment, a Change link appears next to it.
Pending Payments
You may have a pending payment that has started processing. In this case, you cannot change it, and the Change link does not appear next to the payment.
Automatic Payments
If you change a payment that is part of an automatic payment schedule, only the selected payment is changed. You do not change any future payments in the payment schedule. To change all payments in an automatic payment schedule, go to Manage Your Bills and change the automatic payment.
To change a payment:
- Click Change next to the payment you want to change.
The Change Payment page opens.
- Enter the changes you want to make.
- Click Save Changes.
A message informs you that your changes have been made.
- Click Finished to return to the View Payments and Bills page if the payment has been approved, or the Unapproved Payments page if it has not.

Canceling a Payment
You can cancel payments (approved or unapproved) that have not started processing. After you cancel a payment, its status changes to Canceled. Canceled payments appear in Bill History and the Recent Payments section of the Payment Center.
Authority Levels
Your ability to cancel a payment is determined by your authority level, the payment accounts that you have access to, and the payment's approval status. If you can cancel a payment, a Cancel link appears next to it.
Pending Payments
You may have a pending payment that has started processing. In this case, you cannot cancel it, and the Cancel link does not appear next to the payment.
Automatic Payments
If you cancel an automatic payment, only the selected payment is canceled. You do not cancel any future payments in the payment schedule. To cancel all payments in an automatic payment schedule, go to Manage Your Bills and delete the automatic payment.
To cancel a payment:
- Click Cancel next to the payment you want to cancel.
The Cancel Payment page opens.
- Click Cancel Payment.
A message informs you that the payment has been canceled.
- Click Finished to return to the View Payments and Bills page if the payment has been approved, or the Unapproved Payments page if it has not.

Approving Payments
Payments made by Level 3 Users must be approved before they can be processed. The Level 1 User and Level 2 Users can approve the payments. However, Level 2 Users can only approve payments from accounts they have access to.
To approve payments:
- Click Unapproved Payments.
The Unapproved Payments page appears.
- Select the Approve check box for each payment you want to approve, and click Continue.
The Confirm Approve Payments page appears.
- Click Approve Payments.
The approved payments are removed from the list on the Unapproved Payments page.

Confirming an Account
Confirming an account enables you to use all the features of Business Bill Pay. The Level 1 User and Level 2 Users can confirm accounts, including accounts Level 2 Users don't have access to use.
Unconfirmed accounts have the following limitations:
- Redstone Federal Credit Union sets a limit on the total amount of all bills you can pay from an unconfirmed account.
- Redstone Federal Credit Union also sets a limit (usually 45 days) on the total number of days you can make a payment from an unconfirmed account.
- You cannot set up automatic payments with an unconfirmed account.
- You cannot move payments to an unconfirmed account.
These limitations protect your business in case someone uses the account without authorization. When you confirm the account using information that only you or another authorized user can know, we re-evaluate your Business Bill Pay account and remove most of the restrictions. The only limitation for a confirmed account is the payment limit set by Redstone Federal Credit Union.
Whenever you add a payment account for the business, we make two small deposits and one withdrawal in the account. (The withdrawal is the sum of the two deposits.) The deposits and withdrawal appear on the monthly account statement from your financial institution (either online or mailed to you) with ACCTCONFRM or similar wording in the description. Find this information on the statement and use it to confirm the account.
You can confirm an account online from the Unapproved Payments page when a payment is scheduled from an unconfirmed account that has expired. If a payment is scheduled from an unconfirmed account for which confirmation is locked or has failed, you must contact customer service to confirm the account.
If you want to confirm an account before the confirmation period (usually 45 days) has expired, go to My Accounts.
To confirm an account online:
- Click Unapproved Payments.
The Unapproved Payments page appears.
- Click Confirm Account next to the payment from which you want to confirm the account.
The Confirm Account page opens.
- Check the account statement from your financial institution and find two deposits with ACCTCONFRM or similar wording in the description.
- In Confirm Deposit Amount 1, type one of the deposit amounts from the statement.
- In Confirm Deposit Amount 2, type the other deposit amount from the statement.
- Click Confirm to confirm the account.
The Unapproved Payments page appears again, and the status of the account changes to Confirmed.

Managing Invoices
You can add, change, or delete invoices attached to a payment (approved or unapproved) paid from a confirmed account that has not started processing.
Note: You can only manage invoices if the payment already has one or more attached to it. If no invoices were added when the payment was scheduled, you cannot add invoices when you change the payment.
Authority Levels
Your authority level determines which payments you can change and subsequently which invoices you can manage. The Change link appears next to a payment only when you have the authority to change it.
To add invoices to the payment:
- Click Change next to the payment you want to change.
The Change Payment page opens.
- Click Manage Invoices.
The Manage Invoice Information page appears.
- Click Add an Invoice.
- In Invoice Number, type a numeric identifier for the invoice.
- In Invoice Amount, type the amount of the invoice.
- In Invoice Description, type a description as a reminder of what the invoice is for.
- If a discount applies, type the amount in Discount Amount and a description in Discount Description.
- Click Add Invoice.
The new invoice appears on the Manage Invoice Information page.
- Click Save.
The Change Payment page appears and displays the total amount of all invoices as the payment amount. You can enter a different payment amount if necessary.
- Enter any other changes you want to make to the payment, and click Save Changes.
A message informs you that your changes have been made.
- Click Finished to return to the View Payments and Bills page if the payment has been approved, or the Unapproved Payments page if it has not.
To change an invoice:
- Click Change next to the payment you want to change.
The Change Payment page opens.
- Click Manage Invoices.
The Manage Invoice Information page appears.
- Click Change next to the invoice you want to change.
- Enter the changes you want to make.
- Click Save Changes.
The updated invoice information appears on the Manage Invoice Information page.
- Click Save.
The Change Payment page appears. If you changed the invoice amount, the updated invoice total appears as the payment amount. You can enter a different payment amount if necessary.
- Enter any other changes you want to make to the payment, and click Save Changes.
A message informs you that your changes have been made.
- Click Finished to return to the View Payments and Bills page if the payment has been approved, or the Unapproved Payments page if it has not.
To delete an invoice:
- Click Change next to the payment you want to change.
The Change Payment page opens.
- Click Manage Invoices.
The Manage Invoice Information page appears.
- Click Delete next to the invoice you want to delete.
The invoice is removed from the Manage Invoice Information page.
- Click Save.
The Change Payment page appears and displays the updated invoice total as the payment amount. You can enter a different payment amount if necessary.
- Enter any other changes you want to make to the payment, and click Save Changes.
A message informs you that your changes have been made.
- Click Finished to return to the View Payments and Bills page if the payment has been approved, or the Unapproved Payments page if it has not.

Downloading Payment Information
You can download payment information about any account, regardless of your authority level or access to the account. You can download information about the payment transactions and invoices (if invoices exist for the payments) into a:
- Comma-separated values (CSV) file (includes invoice information).
- QuickBooks® Intuit Interchange Format (IIF) file (includes invoice information).
The downloaded file contains information about payments that are displayed on the page before you select any additional options (such as Biller Name or Category) to limit the list. To be included in the file, a payment must match the:
- Date range in the Current View field.
- Payment account you select when you download the file (if you have more than one).
- Status of Paid or Pending.
Note: If the payment account is unconfirmed, the confirmation deposits and withdrawal are not downloaded.
After the account is confirmed, these items are included in the download file.
To download payment information:
- Find the payments you want to download, and click Download File.
The Download dialog box opens in a separate browser window.
- If you have payments from multiple accounts, select the account for which you want to download payments.
- In File Type, select the file format, either CSV or IIF.
- Click OK.
Depending on your browser settings, the File Download or Save As dialog box appears.
- Download the file and save it to your computer.

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