Pending Payments
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The Pending Payments section presents a quick summary of the approved payments that have not been processed yet.
Note: You may have a pending payment that has started processing. In this case, you cannot change or cancel it.
Viewing the Pending Payments
This section lists the bills, the amount of the payment, and the pay date. It also provides a total amount for all approved pending payments.
Tip: If you're having trouble recognizing a bill, you can move your mouse over a biller to see the biller's full name.
To go to the Pending Payments section:
- Click Payment Center on any page.
The Payment Center opens.
- Go to the Pending Payments section.
Note: If the Unapproved Payments section appears instead, you have payments that must be approved before they can be processed. You can either approve the payments, or click Pending Payments to open the Pending Payments section. For more information, see Unapproved Payments.

Changing a Payment
You can change approved payments paid from a confirmed account that have not started processing. If the payment was made from an unconfirmed account, you can either cancel it or confirm the account from which it was made.
Authority Levels
Your authority level determines which payments you can change. The Change link appears next to a payment only when you have the authority to change it.
Pending Payments
You may have a pending payment that has started processing. In this case, you cannot change it, and the Change link does not appear next to the payment.
Automatic Payments
If you change a payment that is part of an automatic payment schedule, only the selected payment is changed.
You do not change any future payments in the payment schedule.
To change all payments in an automatic payment schedule, go to Manage Your Bills and change the automatic payment.
To change a payment:
- Click Change next to the payment you want to change.
The Change Payment page opens.
- Enter the changes you want to make.
- Click Save Changes.
A message informs you that your changes have been made.
- Click Finished to return to the Payment Center.

Canceling a Payment
You can cancel approved payments that have not started processing. After you cancel a payment, its status changes to Canceled. Canceled payments appear in the Recent Payments section of the Payment Center and in Bill History.
Authority Levels
Your authority level determines which payments you can cancel. The Cancel link appears next to a payment only when you have the authority to cancel it.
Pending Payments
You may have a pending payment that has started processing. In this case, you cannot cancel it, and the Cancel link does not appear next to the payment.
Automatic Payments
If you cancel an automatic payment, only the selected payment is canceled.
You do not cancel any future payments in the payment schedule. To cancel all payments in an automatic payment schedule, go to Manage Your Bills and delete the automatic payment.
To cancel a payment:
- Click Cancel next to the payment you want to cancel.
The Cancel Payment page opens.
- Click Cancel Payment.
A message informs you that your payment has been canceled.
- Click Finished to return to the Payment Center.

Managing Invoices
You can add, change, or delete invoices attached to a payment paid from a confirmed account that has not started processing.
Note: You can only manage invoices if the payment already has one or more attached to it. If no invoices were added when the payment was scheduled, you cannot add invoices when you change the payment.
Authority Levels
Your authority level determines which payments you can change and subsequently which invoices you can manage. The Change link appears next to a payment only when you have the authority to change it.
To add invoices to the payment:
- Click Change next to the payment you want to change.
The Change Payment page opens.
- Click Manage Invoices.
The Manage Invoice Information page appears.
- Click Add an Invoice.
- In Invoice Number, type a numeric identifier for the invoice.
- In Invoice Amount, type the amount of the invoice.
- In Invoice Description, type a description as a reminder of what the invoice is for.
- If a discount applies, type the amount in Discount Amount and a description in Discount Description.
- Click Add Invoice.
The new invoice appears on the Manage Invoice Information page.
- Click Save.
The Change Payment page appears and displays the total amount of all invoices as the payment amount. You can enter a different payment amount if necessary.
- Enter any other changes you want to make to the payment, and click Save Changes.
A message informs you that your changes have been made.
- Click Finished to return to the Payment Center.
To change an invoice:
- Click Change next to the payment you want to change.
The Change Payment page opens.
- Click Manage Invoices.
The Manage Invoice Information page appears.
- Click Change next to the invoice you want to change.
- Enter the changes you want to make.
- Click Save Changes.
The updated invoice information appears on the Manage Invoice Information page.
- Click Save.
The Change Payment page appears. If you changed the invoice amount, the updated invoice total appears as the payment amount. You can enter a different payment amount if necessary.
- Enter any other changes you want to make to the payment, and click Save Changes.
A message informs you that your changes have been made.
- Click Finished to return to the Payment Center.
To delete an invoice:
- Click Change next to the payment you want to change.
The Change Payment page opens.
- Click Manage Invoices.
The Manage Invoice Information page appears.
- Click Delete next to the invoice you want to delete.
The invoice is removed from the Manage Invoice Information page.
- Click Save.
The Change Payment page appears and displays the updated invoice total as the payment amount. You can enter a different payment amount if necessary.
- Enter any other changes you want to make to the payment, and click Save Changes.
A message informs you that your changes have been made.
- Click Finished to return to the Payment Center.

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